1. Why hasn’t my commitment been approved?
Commitment approval and review by hosts may take up to 5 days. Check if your commitment has any changes requested. The host will have left a comment outlining the necessary updates. You can read this in the commitment viewer. If your commitment has been rejected it is likely beyond the scope of the OOC or fails to meet any of the SMART criteria.
2. What if my commitment includes many actions?
Designing the commitment is at the discretion of the commitment maker. We suggest grouping small or low-cost actions together into a single commitment if they are in the same action area. Major actions can be disaggregated into multiple commitments if appropriate. Hosts will review and discuss with commitment makers on a case-by-case basis.
3. What if my commitment includes many locations?
Select the primary location of implementation. If this is not possible commitment makers can select their organization headquarters.
4. What if my commitment addresses more than one action area?
Select the primary action area. Future revisions of the OOC platform will add options to select secondary action areas.
5. What if my commitment has already started?
In progress commitments can be submitted by selecting 25, 50 or 75% completion in the progress field. Any actions started between the current and previous year’s Our Ocean Conferences are all eligible.
6. What currency should my commitment use?
All commitments should be submitted in US dollars (rounded to the nearest whole number). Please ensure this is inputted in the correct field.
7. What language should my commitment be in?
Commitments are typically submitted in English, however any language is accepted.
8. Who should I contact about my commitment?
Any questions about commitments or the commitment making process can be directed to the OOC Secretariat at
9. I can’t attend the Our Ocean Conference, can I still make a commitment?
Yes, commitments are open to all stakeholders provided they meet the SMART criteria. All approved commitments and organizations will be highlighted in the conference outcome report.
10. How much detail do I need in my commitment?
We recommend commitment submissions are concise and focused on the pledged action and expected outcomes. Only submit background information that is directly relevant to the commitment. Users can use the website field to link to additional information about their project and organization.
11. What if I can no longer complete my commitment or I need to change my pledge?
Update the commitment describing why it can no longer be completed in the Impact field. There is not currently a way to withdraw published commitments.