OOC 2025 본문으로 이동

Side event

Side Event

  • Date: April.29(Tue)-April.30(Wed)
  • Venue: BEXCO

The 10th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) Preparatory Office  seeks to
foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders, broaden the
scope of the conference agenda, and drive concrete, actionable
outcomes. Side events serve as a platform for exploring innovative solutions,
advancing voluntary commitments, and strengthening engagement within
the global ocean community.These events also enrich the
overall conference experience and amplify the impact of the OOC agenda,
supporting efforts toward sustainable ocean management and fostering
effective partnership models.

Selected Organizations

These are the selection results for the first round of side event applicants.
The results for the second round will be announced after the review process is completed.
“The results of the second round of applications will also be announced shortly”

Sustainable Fisheries

Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security
The High Seas Treaty and Regional Fishery Management Organizations: Navigating Shared Waters & Responsibilities
Environmental Justice Foundation
Transparency in Action
EU IUU Fishing Coalition
From Ocean to Plate: The Role of Technology and Harmonisation in ensuring Seafood Traceability and fighting against IUU Fishing
Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative
Women in Blue Foods: Pathways to Achieve Justice for Human, Environment, and Future Generations
Inuit Circumpolar Council
Taking the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement from Theory to Practice: Implementing Commitments for Science and Indigenous Knowledge
Korea Maritime Institute (APEC-Related Event)
Strengthening Food Security and Climate Resilience via Stakeholder-Driven Sustainable Seaweed Supply Chains
Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority (APEC-Related Event)
Sustainable Growth and Resilience of Small-Scale Fisheries Through Vessel Modernization
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea (ROK) & APIL
Forum on Maritime Crimes Related to IUU Fishing and Fishermen’s Human Rights
U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Leveling the Playing Field: Labor Standards, Enforcement, and Cooperation to Galvanize Sustainable Fisheries


Bloomberg Ocean Fund
Ambition to Action: Asia and the Pacific’s Ocean Conservation Leadership
Climate Ocean Research Institute(CORI)/Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC)
Starting with the Southern Ocean: How protecting Antarctica can advance global ocean conservation, promote peace and diplomacy, and lay a foundation for the success of the BBNJ treaty
Directorate of Aquatic Biota and Ecosystem Conservation. Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Scaling Commitments for Marine Conservation: Multi-Stakeholder Approaches and Technological Innovations for Effective MPAs and OECMs
ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office
Collaborating for conservation: Protecting the Yellow Sea’s Biodiversity and Ecosystems
High Seas Alliance
From Busan to Nice: Accelerating Ambition in the Race for Ratification of the High Seas Treaty
Oregon State University
Accountability in Action at the 10th Our Ocean Conference: Progress on Commitments for Ocean and Fisheries Health
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Marine Prosperity Areas: Integrating Conservation and Socio-Economic Well-Being for Ocean Sustainability
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Sustainable Ocean Initiative—15 years of Capacity-Building, Partnerships and Synergies to Support the Achievement of Global Biodiversity Targets in the Ocean
World Bank Group
Marine Spatial Planning for Growing Nature Capital : Advancing Blue Economy Co-location Solutions in EAP with lessons from ROK

Climate Change

Asian Development Bank
Maritime Decarbonization Initiative for Asia and the Pacific
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Ocean Literacy as a tool to drive ocean conservation actions
Korean Register
Roadmap for U.S.-Korea Green Shipping Corridor
Ocean Conservancy
Melting North, Changing South: How Climate Impacts Connect the Arctic Ocean and Jeju Sea
Seoul National University Blue Carbon Research Center 
Forum on New Blue Carbon International Certification
The Stimson Center
Innovative Actions to Reduce Climate Risk and Build Resilient Blue Economies in the Indo-Pacific
Investing in Coral Reefs: Innovative Finance for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Strategic and Convening roles and contributions of UNEP’s Regional Sea Convention and Action Plans – addressing the triple planetary crises in the marine environment
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Exploring Ocean Iron Solutions for Marine CDR: An Information Exchange Event

Blue Economy

Busan Metropolitan City
Sustainable Global Ocean City Forum
Greek Prime Minister Envoy
Green and Digital Innovation in Shipbuilding, Shipping and finance.
IUCN People and the Ocean Specialist Group, Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy & WWF
Human Rights and the Ocean Economy
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the ROK
Strategies for Expanding Ocean Satellite Accounts for the Scientific Assessment of the Ocean Economy
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the ROK & Korea Maritime Institute
Global Ocean Leadership and Blue Finance
Ocean Climate Innovation Hub Kenya / Technical University of Mombasa
An Inclusive, sustainable and climate positive blue economy that contributes to Africa’s transformation and growth
Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance
From Beach to Boardroom: Building a Capital Market for the Ocean
Oceanographic Institute – Fundation Albert 1st, Prince of Monaco
The Blue Economy and Finance Forum (BEFF) : a UNOC Special Event on 7-8 June 2025 to mobilise financial resources for Ocean Health and a regenerative blue economy
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Unlocking Transformative Ocean Finance at Scale: Pre-UNOC High-Level Dialogue
World Resources Institute
Enhancing inclusive policymaking through participatory quantification of community dependence on marine ecosystems

Digital Oceans

European Commission DG MARE
Towards IPOS : Leveraging the power of AI to accelerate action for global Ocean targets
Korea Autonomous Surface Ship Project Office
Autonomous Ships Seminar
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the ROK & Busan Metropolitan City
Marine Digital Transformation
National Academy of Marine Research
Smart Ocean Data Applications: Advancing Towards a Sustainable Future
Ocean Outcomes
Digital Seminar on Distant-Water Fisheries
OSEAN (Our Sea of East Asia Network)
Empowering Citizens through Data Science for a Cleaner Ocean
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Global Collaboration through High-Resolution Ocean Modeling, Digital Oceans, and AI Techniques: Driving Societal, Economic, and Environmental Benefits

Marine Pollution

Government of Panama, Ministry of Environment consultant
Solutions to Stem Ocean Noise Pollution and Protect Marine Biodiversity
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica
Action for Change! UNOC3 as a global milestone to accelerate action for the ocean
OOC CSO Network
Our Commitments to Oceans : Proposal by Korean Civil Society Organizations
U.S. Government – USAID
USAID, JICA and KOICA International Collaboration to Advance Effective Global Actions to Combat Marine Plastic Litter
Ulsan Port Authority
Seminar on Ammonia as clean shipping fuel towards Shipping Decarbonization
Ocean Conservancy
Integrated Seminar on Marine Plastics

Maritime Security

Seminar on the Law of the Sea
University of Copenhagen
Bridging maritime security and the blue economy